!! Macro

! Create

Add the following to your {{~/.gitconfig}}.

bpc = "!f() { git branch ${1} && git push --set-upstream origin ${1} && git checkout ${1}; }; f"

Run as

git bpc myBranch

This will create the local branch, push it, and check it out.

! Delete

Add the following to your {{~/.gitconfig}}.

bdf = "!f() { git branch -D ${1} && git push origin --delete ${1}; }; f"

Run as 

git bdf myBranch

from any branch other than byBranch.

This will delete both local and remote copies of the branch.

!! Manual

Locally, to create and checkout the branch do -

$ git checkout -b your_branch

Then, to push your branch to origin, do -

$ git push -u origin your_branch

[Git | CategoryComputing.SCM.Git]