[{TableOfContents }]

!! Utilities
|| Mac || Linux || Software || Description
| x | x | [pigz|http://www.zlib.net/pigz] | Parallel gzip
| x | x | [pbzip2|http://compression.ca/pbzip2/] | Parallel bzip2
| x | x | [p7zip | http://sourceforge.net/projects/p7zip] | 7zip, great archiver
| x | | [Keka | http://www.kekaosx.com] | Free archiver (supports 7z, etc)
| x | x | [ack|http://betterthangrep.com/] | enhanced grep
| x | | [0xED | http://www.suavetech.com/0xed/0xed.html] | Hex editor
| x | | [A Better Finder Renamer | http://www.publicspace.net/ABetterFinderRename] | Renamer
| x | | [Sequel Pro | http://www.sequelpro.com] | SQL client
| x | | [Path Finder | http://www.cocoatech.com/download] | Finder replacement
| x | x | [muCommander | http://www.mucommander.com] | Norton Commander successor
| x | | [Secrets | http://secrets.blacktree.com/] | Easy way to tweak leopard's hidden features
| x | x | [tmux|http://tmux.sourceforge.net/] | Terminal Multiplexer
| x | | [iTerm 2|http://www.iterm2.com/] | Enhanced Terminal
| x | x | [XZ | http://tukaani.org/xz/] | [Parallel | https://github.com/vasi/pixz] XZ compression tool.  Very good.  See [Multicore XZ]

!! Resource Monitoring
|| Mac || Linux || Software || Description
| x | x | htop | beautiful version of top
| | x | atop | alternative to htop
| | x | iotop | top of I/O
| | x | iftop | display bandwidth

!! Media
|| Mac || Linux || Software || Description
| x | x | [Cooliris | http://www.cooliris.com] | Browser plugin image viewer
| x | x | [VLC | http://www.videolan.org/vlc] | Universal media player
| x | | [Seashore | http://seashore.sourceforge.net] | Image editor
| x | | [Burn | http://burn-osx.sourceforge.net/Pages/English/home.html] | CD/DVD burner
| x | x | [Handbrake | http://handbrake.fr] | Rip / re-compress videos
| x | | [Mojo | http://deusty.com/] | Downloads music from Your friends' iTunes libraries over the internet
| x | | [OurTunes | http://saveourtunes.com/] | Downloads music from shared iTunes libraries
| x | | [XBMC | http://xbmc.org/] | Media center application, Mac: [Plex | http://elan.plexapp.com/], [Boxee | http://www.boxee.tv/]
| x | x |[SongBird | http://getsongbird.com/] | Cross-platform music player
| x | x | [Calibre | http://calibre-ebook.com/] | E-book management
| x | x | [Sigil | http://code.google.com/p/sigil/] | E-book editor

!! Development
|| Mac || Linux || Software || Description
| x | x | [Emacs | http://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/emacs/] | ide
| x | x | [Eclipse | http://www.eclipse.org] | ide
| x | x | [Vim | http://www.vim.org] | ide
| x |  | [Aquamacs | http://www.aquamacs.org] | ide
| x | x | pydev | eclipse python plugin
| x | x | [Netbeans | http://netbeans.org] | java ide
| x | x | [Virtualbox | http://virtualbox.org] | vm
| x | x | [Mercurial | http://mercurial.selenic.com] | Distributed Source Control Manager
| [x | http://code.google.com/p/git-osx-installer/] | x | [Git | http://git-scm.com/] | Distributed Source Control Manager
| x | | PyCharm | Python IDE
| x | | RubyMine | Ruby IDE
| x | | IntelliJ | Java IDE
| x | | Android Studio | Android IDE
| x | | Sublime Text | Light weight IDE
| x | | SourceTree | Git IDE

!! Network
|| Mac || Linux || Software || Description
| x | | [Adium | http://adium.im] | chat
| x | | [NetNewsWire | http://www.newsgator.com/INDIVIDUALS/NETNEWSWIRE] | News w/ Google Reader Sync
| x | | [Transmit | http://www.panic.com/transmit] | FTP
| x | x | [Unison | http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~bcpierce/unison] | bi-directional rsync
| x | | [Colloquy | http://colloquy.info] | IRC client
| x | | [Dropbox | http://www.getdropbox.com/] | Cross-platform, instantaneous file sync
| x | | [iTimeMachine | http://www.xiotios.com/itimemachine.html] | Backs up Leopard over your network
| x | x | [Firefox | http://mozilla.org] | Browser

!! Scientific
|| Mac || Linux || Software || Description
| x | x | [Mathematica | http://www.wolfram.com] | symbolic math
| x | x | [R | http://www.r-project.org] | statistics
| x | x | [Octave | http://wiki.octave.org/Octave_for_MacOS_X] | math
| x | | [MacTex | http://www.tug.org/mactex/] | LaTeX

!! Brew
| postgres

!! Brew Cask
| mongodb
| postgres

See also [Essential Shell Commands].

[Computing | CategoryComputing] - [CategoryPersonal.Arcoleo] - [Linux | CategoryComputing.Linux] - [Mac | CategoryComputing.Mac]