! Hunter's Safety Course

First, you likely need to pass a hunter's safety course.

[International Hunter Education Association|http://ihea-usa.org/] is a good place to start.  At the time of this writing the California information is available [here|http://ihea-usa.org/hunting-and-shooting/requirements/state-provincial-information?go=ca].  That link will take you to [California Department of Fish and Wildlife|http://www.dfg.ca.gov/] where you can go the [Hunting in California|http://www.dfg.ca.gov/Hunting/] section.

The fastest way appears to take an online safety course followed by a four hour in-person safety course.  The alternative is to take the in-person ten hour safety course.

You can take the online safety course [here|http://homestudy.ihea.com]
