Open Remote Files in Emacs
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Initiate all examples with C-x C-f


Edit the file .emacs in your home directory on the machine melancholia.


Edits the same file, using the fully qualified domain name of the machine.


Also edits the same file — the is expanded to your home directory on the remote machine, just like it is locally.


This edits the file .emacs in the home directory of the user daniel on the machine melancholia. The ~<user> construct is expanded to the home directory of that user on the remote machine.


This edits the file /etc/squid.conf on the machine melancholia.



Put the following code in your .emacs file or put it in a file call tramp.el in your .emacs.d folder

;; allow opening over ssh
(require 'tramp)
; (setq tramp-default-method "scp")
(setq tramp-default-method "ssh")
(setq tramp-default-user "arcoleo")
